Monday, February 14, 2011

A Fwd From Her Mum

[This is an e-mail Mackie sent to a family friend in Canada, her mum thought it was an amazing response to his question and wanted to share it on the blog.]

Good question :)

The people in Kabramaido have become increasingly lazy. Kabramaido town was the camp and head quarters for the LRA who just raided the land. They brutally killed thousands of people. They have received so much aid from America. Donations (if the $ even makes it to the people going through government leaders) have made them dependent on the white people. We are basically using a more developed way of humanitarian work. The old school ways are OUT. The adult have passed down to the children to rely on "muzungo" (white person) for help and $. The textile industry has been completely wiped out because of donated clothes. People lost jobs and India has come in and taken over. Everything is from India. 

Basically, we are trying to help the kids understand and learn that they are capable. We teach them life skills. For example "Living Positive" is one. Children are coming out about being HIV positive. They learn life skills to help them to be safe and how to treat other friends and family who have aids. We bring ideas to the table about ideas for small businesses. We are trying to help them be able to take care of themselves and feel proud of where they are and that they have to ability to stand out and make the best with what they have. That's been my focus. My partner, Megs, has done tons of work with the widows of Kabremaido. Helping them to be able to survive on their be able to prosper and survive with out waiting around for the white person to come and save them or the district leaders who have pushed them out. There is a high percentage of people in the town that are impovershed. They turn away the opportunities presented to them. 

So, maybe now you can see why it was difficult to hear the PASTOR (someone the kids look up to) tell them that "someone coming to take you to America is like Jesus coming and taking you to Heaven." First, almost all of them will never get to America. Then what? Second, we are not coming and taking them to America. That puts pressure on us. And thirdly, the children are the next generation. Why keep them wishing, hoping and maybe waiting. Real work is being here and teaching them face to face about love, friendship, work and life skills that they can take with them and that will help them in life long decisions, hopefully, being good examples to the future of Uganda and Africa. 

Anyway, its just a start and people are really benefiting. Woman are buying their own land from  the money they earned running their small businesses. The next step is getting them able to take their children back home and support them too so that we can take in more orphans. Right now there is a waiting list of over 1000. 

Okay! Wrote that one really quick so I hope I answered your question!

Thanks Everett!!!
Hope you and your family are doing well!!

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