Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Music Week!

Let the Sun Shine....Africaaaaaaaa.

First - It's music week!! Whoot! Whoot! The generator at the orphanage has been broken for some time and after arriving in Kampala was able to a good charge to my ipod, baby! :)

Kar made me a playlist for my experience here in Africa. She put a song on my playlist that I dedicate to the bar and I just sang myself....for Marsha :) Blast it, do a little dance and have a shot about it for me..

Attention Kar: It was truly amazing when I discovered this little hidden treasure on my ipod. I shed a tear or two :)

*Garth Brooks - I've Got Friends In Low Places

Uploaded by rawestern. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

I dedicate a song to my boy, Rob :) I remembered he liked it - he should listen to it again because music is amazing...I guess it's alright if he takes a shot of bud light about it.. :-/

*Fleet Foxes - Blue Ridge Mountains

If he likes this song he's gonna love "Song of the Week"...

I dedicate a song to my sis, Jess. I love you. Hang in there :)

*Telepopmusik - Just Breathe

Last but, not least...


It doesn't remind me of anything or anybody...just my existence...I've mastered head stands to keep myself from getting emotional about it EVERY TIME I listen to it...Now it's just every once in a while, if I'm lucky ;) it, buy it, do whatever just get it and BLAST it wherever you are and think about the fact that I'm in Love with you, okay?

A little bit of Mafrica from me to you :)
heart, me

*U.S. Royalty - Equestrian

LiSt oF ThInGs I LoVe:

1.Bathroom breaks on a 10 hour bus ride in Africa..."Boys this way! Girls this way!" Squatting next a 100 year old African woman...priceless.

2.The comment, "You look very Smart.." Pretty? Good? Hansom?

3.When I am grading my learners papers in the office with Grace (Director of the school). She blasts the hip hop/rap station on the FM radio. There's kids standing around and we're rockin' out to Lil' Wayne. I wonder if they're English is clever enough to pick up on the vulgar remarks...? Haha. Thank you, Africa!

4.Jane and I were waiting at the bus stop in Soroti the other day. Two little girls were being rascals running all around us, "Auntie! Aunties!" One of the little girls stopped, starred at me for a moment and said, "you have eyes like for dolls." - I think doll eyes are kinda creepy looking but, it was a one of kind compliment :)

Some Things I Do:
-Organize my stuff.
-Sit in my room and eat chocolate.
-Still obsessed with bag balm.
-Work on my cross word puzzle book (i can do a whole crossword puzzle in 8 min.)
-Sweat some more...


I have been vacationing in the big city of Kampala enjoying running water, electricity, and unlimited internet access for a few days. Jane and I picked up 2 volunteers at the airport last night. They are fantastic! 18 years and so alive and ready for the experience of they're life. I have a feeling that they are going to be great examples to the children, and too me. It's been to fun and interesting to see them as I was when I first arrived in Africa. I didn't realize how immune to everything I have become until we trekked out today into the downtown areas for some materials for the clubs I'm working on.

For those who know me....We drove by a pack of dogs that had died, somehow. They didn't look like they had been hit by cars. Maybe starved? They were piled up on the side of the road. I barely noticed them. Eden asked me, "Did you see that?!" She was so shocked and sad. I replied, "Yeah," with no real intense emotional reaction that I would normally have, or used to. It got me thinking...because that's all I do, right? It's not that I didn't care. It's just that when you realize that some things are just the way they are you go deeper...You crave to dig deeper within yourself for a clarity that takes an understanding beyond whats real. Or not real? It feels great when I have moments of clarity..It comes and goes. I want to feel that way all the time. I can already see it happening with the girls. It's amazing to me how we naturally do this as a human being. We were created to Love.

Shut up.


Alright I gotta go, team.
I love you all!

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