Sunday, March 27, 2011

The end of the beginning.

The rain clouds are so thick and dark outside that I’ve had to light my little candle to create some light. Yeah I know the laptop light works, but who knows what could be crawling at a short distance away from me…Frog? Cockroach? It’s six pm and I have an hour to go till the generator creates it for me…I prefer the candlelight.

The rain is pouring here in Africa, right outside my window. The smell is, as described before, indescribable. Better yet, it is officially rainy season and after three major rain pours it is greener than ever. I am proud to say that I’ve witnessed and endured the only two seasons they have here in Uganda. Really hot and really wet. The transformation from hot to cold happened pretty much over night and it was truly magical. However, I can do without the million talking frogs outside my windows every night…EAR PLUGS!

Kylee and Eden have been enjoying the rain as well. They’re anticipating the next rainfall with shampoo and conditioner in hand. Next time they plan on going out with JUST rain boots on. A thorough body wash is hard to come by these days.

“Here I am in the here and now!” is a quote I just read in my latest book borrowing charade. Kylee is certified in “Brain Gym” ??? And I’ve been switching between her Brain Gym book and Nutrition book. My “my book” is almost full with notes about all the cool stuff I’ve learned.

My friends, my trip is coming to an end. This will probably be my last entry before I fly home!

I don’t really have much to say. I am feeling a lot but think it would be best not to even TRY and put it into words for fear that it will not satisfy me enough at this time that I am feeling completely satisfied ;)

I have gained a perspective that I am so thankful for. We are blessed beyond our comprehension. When I think back to the beginning of January when I first arrived up to now, I’m blown away. My work and relationships have so beautifully and naturally fallen into place. Volunteer work has been life changing, dramatic, euphoric, uncomfortable, tough, sweaty, dirty, up, down, left, right and worth every second of my time.

NOW I can say, “I can’t believe how fast it went by!” ;)

Soroti last week…choice of music for an hour-long drive in the middle of Africa…Lady Gaga…”It’s all coming back to me nooowwwwww!” –Celine Dion (for Annika).

One big happy family, I can't wait to see you all :)


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